A plea from the Moore Facebook page: “Putting a call out for anyone that can beat Bart Hackworth, Simon Winer, and Ron Tostenson. Three nationals in a row? What is going on here? Nice work guys, you are killing it. Congrats to Andy Hamilton with a strong second and Matt Noble coming in third in what appears to be his first Moore regatta!.” This is always a highlight of the season, especially with the brewery only 100' from the campground. What a beautiful setting to sail in! Oh yeah, it was windy.”

First: Gruntled Bart Hackworth (11pts); Second: White Trash Andy Hamilton (33); Third: Further Matt Noble (40); Sixth: Moore Wave*Ohs Kurt Lahr (53)

Here’s Rob Dubuc’s write up -- “July 29-31 the Columbia River Gorge offered up some the best sailing the venue could have allowed. The conditions were perfect with 20- 30 knot winds, a few fun waves & a superb 16 boat Moore 24 fleet. Sailing with Bart Hackworth, Simon Winer & Ron Tostenson was more than a pleasure. Bart is one of the best starters I’ve sailed with. He has an absolute knack for coming off the line with a tenth of a boat length punch, RYC STORM JIB SEPTEMBER 2016 Page 11 and from there the crew work was great. Simon trimmed for speed as we talked about how we thought the beat would develop up the course and calling puffs and relatives. Excellent driving by Bart fortunately allowed us to spend a lot of time managing boats behind us. Downwind was clean, fast and without wipeouts or big mistakes that would have cost us time.

Further, 3 rd in the Moore Nats, with Molly & Matt Noble, Katie Love, JV Gilmour, Kelsey Tostenson, Char Freitas - A pickup boat with pickup crew. Sean Trew Digital

The competition was tremendous. It was really cool sailing against some good friends & hopefully future good friends. Further, proved to be super fast – Matt Noble mentioned ‘Day one everyone was real nice to us, then they saw us up there; day 2 no one gave us an inch.’ The Noble’s (Molly & Matt), with Cameron Beihl, Chad Freitas, & Kelsey Tostenson sailed fast, taking 3rd overall and then 3rd in the Double Dam the weekend after. The White Trash crew, consisting of Pete Trachy, Michele Sumpton, Guillaume Canivet and Andy Hamilton, sailed absolutely fantastically. It was really fun debriefing with them after racing at the conveniently placed Thunder Island Brewery Company, located directly next to our camp site. Thank you to the Gorge with its magical stage enabling the best small boat racing in the country.”



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