3-3-3 Sailing Instructions

3-3-3 Sailing Instructions

The bay cruise will start at 13:00 GPS time. The start/finish line is between two boats in Belvedere Cove, boat 1 is a white 25ft Mako powerboat with a blue dodger and two big grey outboard motors, boat 2 is a 10 ft grey zodiac dink with a 15 hp grey yamaha outboard. Anyone have a Moore Class Flag that I can borrow?

The current at GG is 11:20 slack, 14:25 Flood (3.1), 18:06 slack.

The course is Start, Yellow Bluff mark to port, Blossom Rock (BR) to port and then back to the Belvedere Cove to finish in either direction. (yes you can go any way around angel island). Keep track of your finish and we will choose the winners shortly after we are all done. Feel free to cheat a bit if things are not going well but you will have to explain your rationale to the fleet. You can't cheat by using anything but your main, #3 and spin. If you cheat by sailing with two or four people or.. we can handle any of that with the dynamic handicapping system.

Communication on VHF 68

Anchor your boat (minus tide in the AM sunday) and we can use the dink to go ashore and get grub etc. Bring your own dink if you have one and it's easy. Try to get to SAMS pretty soon after you get back so we can all be there to hear the bullshitting.




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