Moore 24’s – Hoist Your Sails!

Moore 24 Class,

I would like to start off 2014 first by recognizing the amazing job done by Scott Sorensen as our class president in 2013. Under his leadership 58 of our little boats participated in at least one Roadmaster event - 31 alone during nationals - and a number of boats were rescued from oblivion or passive neglect by new owners, all of whom we welcome to the fleet and look forward to racing against, and drinking with this year.

Also under Scott's leadership in 2013: Yahoo Groups lodged a complaint with the Governing Board over abuse of their free service, the class website was reduced to ruins by heavy traffic caused by the Rules Changes Blog posting in October, and Survey Monkey's stock price soared on unusually heavy November usage. In short, 2013 was an epic year all around, and everyone should stop and take a minute to recognize Scott for the amount of leadership, fun and enthusiasm he brought to 2013.

In addition to Scott, I also want to recognize and thank Julia Wenegrat (Pac NW Fleet Captain), Sydney Moore (SC Fleet Captain) and Dave Hodges (SC Measurer) for their help in 2013, and for passing the torch to great replacements for 2014.

Lastly please give the Roadmaster 2013 Champions Bill Erklens' Eclipse, and the NW Trek 2013 Champions Ben and Jen Braden's More Uff Da a big round of applause. Bill, Ben and Jen - the chase is on for 2014.

Couple events to focus on as 2014 kicks off:

#1 - Three Bridge Fiasco on Saturday January 31st. In 2013 Pegasus navigated the counter-clockwise choice to perfection and won, while Blue Angel and Snafu rode the clockwise choice to 2nd and 3rd respectively, marking a rare year when there wasn't a clear cut "right" choice. What's your theory this year? Max ebb is at 1103. Sign up through the Single-Handed Sailing Society web site ( or directly at: . Last year 29 Moores raced, let's see if we can top 30 this year and continue to dominate the overall standings.

#2 - Rob Moore Regatta on Saturday February 15th. This regatta is held out of the Corinthian YC in memory of Rob Moore, who, in addition to having the best last name ever, was also a great sailor, friend and inspiration to many in our fleet. A portion of the regatta entry fee raises money to fight lung cancer, and there will be a series of off the water events that make this one of the best events on the Bay Are sailing calendar. More details at:, but this tailor made for the Moores to have a blast, help a good cause, and remember a great sailor in the best way possible. I know a lot of you out there occasionally stray and sail on other boats - before you agree to crew on that J120 (ahem...), Express 27 (never!), Santana 35 (c'mon man, really?) or IOR fatty (you know who you are, if you do it again, I'm naming names), please grab your crew and get out there on your Moore in February. If crew is an issue let me know (not on February 10th) and we can help out. Peter Schoen will be providing more details as the event takes shape.

On the housekeeping front:

#3 - revised class rules and constitution reflecting the rules changes approved by a vote of the class will be posted on our web site shortly. For those who are planning modifications for 2014, or have questions about your boat's compliance, please get in touch with me as early as possible so we can review your changes and get you measured.

#4 - class dues - need to get those paid prior to starting the Roadmaster Season. If it helps for motivation, I will work with John Siegel to ensure that some of our dues are kicked back for free beer at Moore 24 events this year up and down the West Coast, so for those of you with empty boat kittys after a spendy holiday, you'll essentially be pre-paying for beer in 2014. You can pay electronically:

#5 - Huntington Lake Campground Reservations - are open ( June seems like a long ways off, but the best campgrounds get snapped up quickly (Mercedes, Tranya, Moorgasm and Nobody's Girl have already gotten their reservations for Deer Creek), and, with record lack of snow, summer will probably come earlier than normal. Sydney Moore will be more than happy to provide some advice on the best camping spots and how to reserve them for those that are new to taking your boat up the big hill. This year's Commodore's Cup with be a Joel Verutti Memorial Regatta, so mark June 21-22 on your calendar and dig out the bearing grease.

That's it for now. Thanks again to Scott Sorensen for 2013, I have some big sea boots to fill, and am looking forward to a great 2014.




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