FishOut Of Water- the Moore 24 fleet gets invited to go Land Sailing

Moore 24 gathering at Misfits Flat on September 7, 8, and 9.

Lester Robertson and Mary have 3 manta twins, and 4 Manta Singles singles, along with 4 other Fiberglass French landsailers for the use of all. The sailing of the yachts is simple and institutive and will take you about 10 min to learn the basics.

The Drylake is located 20miles east of Carson City, Nevada, and is listed as a place on Google Earth.

Turn south at Mile Marker 18 on Break a Heart road drive till you see the gate and follow the road on the edge of the lake.

We will bring some tables and bbq grills, fire pits, and will have a couple of Porta potties.

We can hold races if the wind is right and folks feel comfortable with the boats.

Bring, Friends, kids,  bikes, rockets, rc planes, ski type helmets, Drones, some kind of shelter, its chill in the am.

There is no fee for the event, we just wish to open up another aspect of sailing to the smartest sailors, the ones with Moore 24’s




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