2014 PCCs – Winner’s report from Moore Wave*Ohs

Both days started off looking like wake boarding was the more favorable option to racing boats but in the end good ol’ Mother Nature came through for us and a solid race management team gave the fleet of twelve boats solid #2 weather to play with for five races over the two days. For our team Saturday morning started out much like the Thursday before Labor Day (Nationals weekend)…in other words, no liquids or food. After an initial weigh in of 828, followed by a quick team meeting in the lovely St. Francis restroom, our next step on the scale cemented a solid 825 on the nose. Obviously the carb loading with breakfast sandos and the obligatory MGD was a given immediately after the skippers meeting. Crews found relief from the hot sun in the Men’s Grille and front patio while the “cat in the hat” swung from the race deck mast and some (including our bowman) people partaking in the adult beverages served by the staff. When the breeze filled in around two, we put the rags up and turned the corner to great conditions for a three race Saturday. The vibe on the boat was a fun one with our dark n stormied bow guy absolutely giddy over his new cup holder and giving play-by-play of his every move (someone from the Gruntled team commented later that afternoon “Is it faster to gybe standing backwards?”), he nailed every maneuver and the boat seemed to find it’s groove easily. Vaughn put the boat in the right place on every start which wasn’t an easy task in that ebb and Alex with his "spot on" calls and our quick flop to port to get into faster water really helped keep the mojo going. Bandito’s return showed their typical fast form and Gruntled, Mooretician, Wet Spot, Topper II, Ruby and Paramour all battled it out for the front of the fleet. At the end of the day we had a 4 point lead on Gruntled and five point lead on Bandito’s.

Sunday started out in similar albeit a little foggier fashion. The AP again went up at noon but this time from the boat and we all waited for the fill. Game time came about 1:15 or so and off we all went for two more races. Slightly more line bias on Sunday to make the decision between boat and pin a little more difficult as well as the gate mark. Somehow we were again able to make smart plays and all but secured it with a first race win. The last race saw the best pressure, the longest course and the best runs...That last surf through the line was a memorable one. Somehow through it all, we were always leveraging upwards and didn’t lose any spots which is quite rare for our team. In the end the 2014 PCCS had moore wave*ohs followed by Gruntled and Banditos. Now there was a little discussion from Peter at the awards about a required swim and I must say after some Sailor Jerry, boat beers, and then the fine 8% micro they were serving in the club my memory appears have failed me. I seemed to remember that the swim tradition only being the case at Nationals, but was reminded by my wife late last night that we in fact swam at Huntington Lake when the Flying Tiger won PCC’s (so I stand corrected). Anyways, we escaped the swim at the St Francis dock, however on the way home where it got light and we were in the process of hooking up a tow, the little sea gremlins reached up and firmly deposited me in the bay…I consider our dues as paid in full. Thanks to everyone for a fun regatta and a fun season. Looking forward to doing it all again next year with a lot more boats out on the line.

Last but not least, a huge thank you to Beau and his staff for putting on a superb regatta, you guys did a fantastic job. I am disappointed (in myself) that I didn’t remember to thank you in person after racing so thank you again for your hard work and dedication to making a great event a success.

Kurt Lahr

The Winning 2014 PCC's Team!



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