2014 February Wrap Up

Moore 24 Fleet,

I hope this finds everyone well. Since Mother Nature has taken this winter off in California, I trust everyone is busy with boat projects and getting ready for spring. Couple updates for the fleet:

#1 - Congratulations to Simon and Bart for their rousing victory at the Robgatta. Despite widespread speculation of PED use that would have made the East German Women's Weightlifting team blush, they did Rob Moore and the fleet proud. With 10 Moores on the starting line, we were thee biggest and baddest 1 design class there. Please see Simon's write up of their race at the end of this email....clearly the 68 team is feeling up to speed after taking 2013 off, and not afraid to talk a little trash. Looking into the crystal ball I can see lots off getting tacked on this year for them.

#2 - Next Roadmaster Event is the Santa Cruz Regatta April 26-27. Sydney Moore and Dave Jocelyn are busy working with the SCYC to iron out logistics (beer, camping on the lawn, beer, hoist priority, beer, etc) and make sure that our Santa Cruz regatta this year is a great one. Stay tuned for a more detailed rundown on the event as we get a bit closer.

#3 - Next Shorthanded Roadmaster event is the Double-Handed Farallones on March 22. Confirmed so far are 121, 138, 78, 89 and XX. There's been a resurgence in interest in offshore Moore 24 sailing over the past several years - 3 Moores (at least) are planning to make the run to Hawaii in this year's Pacific Cup, so this promises to be a busy year on both sides of the Golden Gate for our fleet. Moore on those three Hawaii programs later in the year. The SH Roadmaster schedule will be updated shortly on the web site, check it out, and if you are interested, please get in touch with me. A number of folks in the Bay have been offering their help to develop low cost and light weight systems to help the Moore 24s comply with the current NCORC and OYRA requirements.

#4 - Admin (sorry, have to do it). Updated rules and constitution will be posted by Sunday night. Thanks to everyone who provided input and refinement to the process, and to the fleet for your patience while we ironed out the details. Please note that boat modifications will be vetted through the new technical working party, as well as any proposed innovations of significance. Please coordinate with me before doing any modifications so this process is easy and transparent. Each application and ruling will be posted on our Moore 24 web site, first one should also be up by this Sunday. Also, when requesting to get your boat measured, please copy me on your request or otherwise notify me that you are getting measured.

#5 - St Francis YC Spring One Design - While it's not on this year's RM schedule, the STFYC wants to welcome our fleet to Spring One Design on March 16-17. 6 boats to get a start, great way to warm up for Santa Cruz regatta, and figure out how to beat Simon and Bart. Please email me if you are interested, and I will coordinate with StFYC's race team.

Best Regards,



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