2014 Whiskeytown Regatta – Winner’s Report from Gruntled

The coolers are clean, the mast is back up and we are getting set for the ditch... yeeehhaa!

The report from Whiskeytown is that we had a great time. 12 boats and sunny with chilled-out camping. What could be better?

Gruntled was short of crew and we had good breeze all night so sat am found us looking for crew - along with everyone else! We snapped up a local ringer who knew where the marks are and had plenty of life experience (77!). Of course the wind moderated from west and then flipped to the east without a major dead patch. Our ringer became an excellent snack-ticion. Three long races and fun time with everyone enjoying the flat water and blazing sun. Lake sailing with nice shifts and lots of looking around for pressure. Well there was also lots of looking around at the other boats to see if anyone else noticed that the beautifully rebuilt #66 Frenzy of Sean Kelly and John Gray was flying a MASSIVE kite? http://www.photosjustforyou.com/Events/Whiskeytown-Regatta-2014-Sat/41086461_BgHws8#!i=3274191378&k=BpxhKdh John joked that they would get to the weather mark, set the chute and then endure abuse that their kite was too HUGE as everyone sailed past downwind! The kite was loaner from Quantum but must have been packed in the wrong bag as it looked like a hot air balloon. The balloon was stashed and a normal kite was found.

Sat eve good camping fun and chatting about the day as the wind built from the west all night. Sunday came and three more races with the jib. Pete Trashy's White Trash found her wheels and scored two bullets. This crew have been together for a year now and this program is starting to show results. Paramour and Banditos were right there, as was Ruby. In the end the 1st race from Sat was tossed as we finished after the time limit (aaarghhh).

Doug, Kathryn and Ben came down from the Pac NW and have a week to get ready for the ditch.


hat it didn't rain, it was not dead calm, there were no camping fiascos




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