2012 Spring Keel Race Report

Wow, Big breeze and Big waves and we did not even need to go to the Columbia River!

After a long postponement on shore waiting for wind, we did get on the water at last when a NW filled in. With a 4 knot ebb to kick the waves we all had plenty on. Big jibs for the first beat of the first race then most went to the #3 for the balance of the racing. Getting out to the middle of the bay on the beats and surviving the runs seemed to the plan for the weekend.

The regatta was a big hit with the sail makers as flogging, ragging and shrimping were the order.

Sunday had even more breeze which had the RC keeping on shore once again but for fear of too much wind! They did manage to get us out for one race which were survival conditions. A few classes elected to stay at the dock and of the classes that raced many boats stayed on shore.

Of the Moores that decided to support the sail makers and flap sails around the course we did represent the class well.

Eclipse #85

David and Steve... the two sailmakers in the fleet, can you corroborate any of this story with actual data on repairs and orders for new sails? Well done to Billy and the crew. I hear that the run east from the club on Sunday was a literal blast.



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