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3BF – Recap from “penguin”

3BF recap from "penguin".................Well it had been a year since the boat was in the water. My crew badgerd me to come out of retirement. When we were 15 minutes before the start I remembered how much fun the Moore fleet was and what I was missing.

We sailed to TI first, along with 7 or 8 other Moores. We had a really nice port beat to Southampton and the wind went really light. We were lucky and had enough breeze to almost catch "Cal" at Red Rock. We were about 50 yards behind Cal and watched them make it around Red Rock West to East. Then the wind glassed off. The anchor went out and we worked on our tans for 2 1/2 hours. Typical 3BF! Congrats to Michael and Larry they sailed a great race...........Matt Dini

Next: 2015 Three Bridge Fiasco – Results
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