Moore 24 National Association (hereafter referred to as Association).
To promote class racing by establishing one design standards, the organization of National Championships and promotion of social events and friendships among Moore 24 owners.
The basic unit of the Association shall be the Fleet. A Fleet shall consist of five (5) or more boats belonging to Association members, and shall elect a Fleet Captain. The Governing Board of the Association shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Measurer, a Fleet Captain from each Fleet, and Ron Moore as a permanent member. All officers must be members of the Association.
Changes to the Constitution and/or Class Rules shall require approval by at least 2/3 of qualified votes cast by eligible voting members. Eligible voting members are boat owners who have paid their class dues for the current year in which the vote takes place. One vote may be counted per boat. The total number of qualified votes shall be votes cast at the annual class meeting, or, at an online vote. Votes at the annual meeting may be cast by proxy provided the Class President has been notified in advance of the meeting by the member casting the proxy vote. Eligible Members may cast votes via email. Such votes must be received prior to the start of the annual meeting. There shall be an annual meeting held each year. The Governing Board will determine the time and location of the meeting, as well as the timing of any online vote. Any class member who has paid class dues for the current year may propose changes to the Constitution or Class Rules. Any such proposal must be submitted to the Governing Board not later than 45 days prior to the annual meeting.
Technical Committee:
A Technical Committee (TC) shall be established to interpret and review proposed changes to the Class Rules and/or Constitution, as well as requests for approval for any modifications made to boats pursuant to the Class Rules. The TC may also recommend changes to the Class Rules and Constitution. The TC shall provide its recommendations to the Governing Board. The Technical Committee shall consist of five (5) members as follows:
- Two members shall have owned a Moore 24 continuously for more than ten (10) years;
- Two members shall have owned a Moore 24 continuously for more than five (5) years;
- The fifth member can be a non-boat owner, but must be a class member. The intent of the rule is that the fifth technical working party member shall be someone with technical expertise in the area of sailboat design, sail design, sailboat rigging, sailboat class development or other area of relevant sailboat expertise.
The Technical Committee shall be nominated by the incoming President and approved by the Governing Board. The Governing Board shall post any proposed changes to the Class Rules or Constitution no less than 15 days prior to any vote, and any posting shall include written analysis by the TC on the impact of the proposed change. Any ruling by the Governing Board on a proposed modification shall be published and archived on the class web site, along with written analysis by the TC.
Roadmaster Events:
The Roadmaster Series is a schedule of approximately eight to 12 races or regattas, including Championship Regattas, to be contested each year by the class. Prior to the end of each year, the Governing Board shall determine the Roadmaster schedule, as well as the scoring system, for the following year. This schedule shall be posted electronically on the class website. To be eligible to be scored in the Roadmaster Series, the skipper of a boat must be a member in good standing of the Association, comply with all class measurements and rules, and display the Moore 24 emblem on the mainsail. Those competing in Roadmaster Events shall have their dues paid in advance and must have a valid measurement certificate on file with the class Measurer, prior to racing. Non-owner drivers must be regular members of the Association. Non-members may spell authorized drivers for short periods of time to provide personal breaks.
Championship Regattas:
Championship Regattas are defined as the Pacific Coast Championship and the National Championship.
Shorthanded Roadmaster Events:
The Shorthanded Roadmaster Series is a schedule of approximately three (3) to six (6) shorthanded races contested each year by the class. Prior to the end of each year, the Governing Board shall determine the Shorthanded Roadmaster schedule for the following year. This schedule shall be posted electronically on the class website. To be eligible to be scored in the Shorthanded Roadmaster Series, the skipper of a boat must be a member in good standing of the Association, comply with all class measurements and rules, and display the Moore 24 emblem on the mainsail. Those competing in Shorthanded Roadmaster Events shall have their dues paid in advance and must have a valid measurement certificate on file with the class Measurer, prior to racing.
Compliance with Moore 24 National Association Class Rules:
Protests against boats for non-compliance with the Association’s Class Rules shall be filed with the appropriate Organizing Authority, Race Committee or Protest Committee, and such protest shall be dealt with in accordance with Rule 78 of the Racing Rules of Sailing. In order to be eligible to participate in the National Championship, either the owner of each boat participating, or the skipper of each boat participating, must sign a declaration that their boat is class legal. Any owner suspected to be in violation will be protested by the Governing Board of the Moore 24 National Association and may be disqualified. Furthermore, if the Governing Board considers the breach to be serious, it may send a report to the Protest Committee requesting action under Rule 69.
Fees and Eligibility:
Annual dues for membership in the Association are as follows:
Regular Membership $50
Associate Membership (crew, friends, etc.) $35
The Association, through its Governing Board, reserves the right to refuse membership or suspend or terminate the membership of any individual who commits a gross breach of a rule, good manners or sportsmanship, or who may have brought the class or sport into disrepute. Such action can be taken only with the approval of 2/3 of the Governing Board.